The incoming inclement weather held off just long enough yesterday for another successful - if a bit breezy - Plane Crazy Saturday at Mojave. Antelope Valley Press aerospace reporter Allison Gatlin wrote a fantastic piece in Friday's paper about the event, and the result was a lot more families with eager young children attended.
Most aviation enthusiasts can remember a time when they first discovered airplanes, often because someone simply took them to an airport. In this high-tech, high-security world we now live in, opportunities to do that are becoming rarer, which I suspect is why this monthly event has become such a big hit in the local community. A big thanks to all who brought their planes out to display (it was great to see XCOR trot out their world-record-holding EZRocket!), you'll never know if you somehow influenced a kid to grow up and seek a career as a pilot or aerospace engineer!
Does it look like fun? Put Saturday, April 18, on your calendar and bring your kids out to the airport!